Free Medical Equipment Classifieds are free photo classifieds to buy, sell, and trade medical equipment, hospital products, and lab supplies. Your free ad can run for up to 90 days we are one of the few free sites to also allow you to post a photo. Here's what you can do:
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Innova 4100 Detector – PhiGEM Parts
Buy the best quality field-tested Innova 4100
Detector at PhiGEM Parts. For a time-saving
solution that keeps your down time to an
absolute minimum, contact us 347-985-1679.
Also in stock from the 4100IQ:
• 2007 Performix MX160 X-Ray Tube
• Smart Box
• DL6 ... more
Patient monitors, IV pumps and poles, NICU transporters, bili-lights, OR carts and trays, and CSR supplies. Whether you are a materials management professional, a biomedical technician, or hospital purchasing agent, we make it easy to buy, sell, trade, or just learn more about medical supplies, hospital equipment vendors, and lab equipment manufacturers from all over the world.