A Man's Silent Torment: BPH (Enlarged Prostate) -- Control BPH naturally without Saw Palmetto or any of the other popular herbs. |
Andropause -- While not as severe as menopause, the male version is lengthier, andropause usually lasts 15 to 20 years. |
Dr. D's Handbook for Men Over 40 -- A guide to health, living and relationships for men Over 40. |
Free 2 Pee -- Simple, step-by-step self-help guide for men who have difficulty urinating in public restrooms. |
It's In the Male -- Covers important heath issues, a male-oriented medical dictionary, a listing of pharmaceutical and medical devices and contact information for support groups and resources. |
Male Menopause -- A book arguing the existence and effects of male menopause, providing information and advice on how to deal with it |
Prostate problems? One Man's Experiences -- Personal account of a journey through prostate surgery and recovery. |
Prostate-Healthcare -- Presenting the book Daddy's Disease, giving symptoms, diagnosis, and current medical treatments available. Authored by Barry J. Blakemore. |
Seeds Of Hope -- A physician's personal triumph over prostate cancer. Michael A. Dorso, M.D. |
Surrender To The Sensations -- The Gentlemen's Guide to the Business and Pleasure of Sensual Massage. By David Olin Tullis. |
The Gladiator Diet -- How to preserve peak health, sexual energy and a strong body at any age. |
The Lovin' Ain't Over -- Practical advice on life and love after prostate treatments. |