Atrium Products -- Surgical mesh, products descriptions and PDF file for instructions for use. |
Bard Products -- Mesh for hernia repair for all the techniques. |
Cook Products -- Feature product information on hernia repair grafts. |
Guidance For Application For Surgical Mesh -- Guidance for the preparation of a premarket notification application for a surgical mesh, by Food and Drug Administration. |
Herniamesh products -- [Multilanguages] Polypropylene mesh for Trabucco's repair, desciption of material and illustration of the technique with photos and a movie. |
Johnson&Johnson Gateway -- Descriptions and features of surgical polypropylene, polyester and polyglactin 910 mesh, with clinical citations about them. |
Sofradim products -- [English and French] Surgical mesh for open and laparoscopic repair with short description and images. |
Tricomed Products -- [English - Polish] Surgical mesh description and features. |
W.L. Gore and Associates products -- Surgical mesh and suture in ePTFE, for hernia surgery by open or laparoscopic techniques. Description of products, use instructions and information. |